Saturday, May 3, 2014

Fanfest from the Sidelines

I had a few busy days at work and so I've been unable to follow most of the Fanfest stream as it happens, and have been catching up in the evenings and then watching today (Saturday).

First, OMG, that music video they did before the Eve Keynote... it was incredible, and awe inspiring, and I nearly swooned.  CCP has earned my love.  Especially CCP Guard.  Amazing.

Second, CSM9 was announced.  I did not make it in, which did not come as a surprise; I met some pretty stiff resistance while I was campaigning and talking to people, but I am still glad I ran.  I met a lot of good people, had fun making connections with other players, and I didn't try to be anyone other than me.  I just wasn't the candidate that people wanted.

Aside from Corbexx, I am very pleased that Sugar Kyle, Ali, and Mike will be on the CSM this year.  If you mash them together in the right way, I think you get close enough to the views I'd want represented. ;)

Some other cool stuff came up: the summer expansion is dated for early next month (wow!  Yay!) and along with the various rebalances and adjustments that have been announced, there are some more new things coming.  The T2 Venture looks pretty awesome, and I might fly one just for the looks; the real beauty is that it has a ton of low slots (Venture has one, Prospect gets four?!), and a reduced signature, so if you throw some armor tank mods in it'll be one hell of a tough little frigate.  And it's covops capable.  And can fit a covert cyno.  I can already see another three "OMG NERF CLOAKS" threads on the Eve-O forums from the nullbears.

The AT ships are also pretty cool and I would fly the hell out of a Chameleon, if I were ever able to pick one up.  Part of the fun of the Stratios is the extra tank it gets; the Chameleon gets that bonus to shields instead, plus jams.  Plus some crazy strong drones - it'll be a nasty gank boat.

The other new ships are the Mordus Angels line.  I've been fairly lukewarm towards the Legion in game so far, but the frigate and cruiser are pretty, and they're finally shield ships with an EWAR bonus, instead of just shield ships that do extra damage.  Yay!

Anyway, from what I saw, Fanfest looked pretty cool.  One year I'll go. :)


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